Accounting rate NBT

 for 22-01-2025

    • 11.3225
    • 13.3560
    • 0.1536

    • TJS
    • TJS
    • TJS

Gorno - Badakhshan Autonomous Region

Subdivision name



Branch in Khorog

51, Lenin st.

(3522) 2-40-53 (44) 640-00-20

Branch in Vanj dist.

10, I. Somoni st., Vanj vil.

(3551) 2-12-38

Branch in Darvaz dist.

16, Shohmansur st., Kalaikhum vil.

(3555) 2-13-05 (44) 640-00-29

Branch in Ishkoshim dist.

2, N.Rahmoni st., Ishkoshim vil.

(3522) 2-13-72

Branch in Rushon dist.

16, Lenin st., Rushon vil.

(3522) 2-11-78

Branch in Roshqala dist.

Javonon st., Medon vil.

(3555) 2-11-91

Shedule of operational divisions of the Bank

On working days from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm

On Saturday from 8.00 am to 3.00 pm

Break from 12:00 to 13:00

Branches of the Bank


33 Branches