Accounting rate NBT

 for 12-03-2025

    • 11.3225
    • 13.3560
    • 0.1536

    • TJS
    • TJS
    • TJS

To: Correspondent Banks


Dear Sirs,

         Hereby, we kindly inform you that on the basis of the law of Republic of Tajikistan on Anti-Money Laundering and anti-terrorism financing #684 dd. 25. 03.2011as well as the provision on implementation of procedures on Anti-Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorism Financing of OJSC “Agroinvestbank” #72B approved by the resolution of the Board of OJSC “Agroinvestbank” under No.71 dated May 28, 2015 there has been set up a commission and staff in OJSC “Agroinvestbank” responsible for organization of works and procedures in the Bank for countering the legalization (laundering) of incomes obtained through criminal means and financing of terrorism as well as internal control rules have been approved and agreed for the purpose of preventing the legalization (laundering) of criminally obtained funds and financing of terrorism, which include the following measures:

·   Mandatory procedures for internal control;

·   Mandatory control;

·   Prohibition of informing customers and other persons on measures taken against   the legalization funds received through criminal means;

·   Customer Identification;

·   Know Your Customer (KYC);

·   Account monitoring;

·   Collection, accumulation and storage of customer records;

·   Mutual informing on suspicious operations of customers;

·   Creation of database on individuals suspected of terrorism;

·   Process of background check of candidates prior to job recruitment;

·   Educating and training of bank employees;

·   Informing the management.

    Works are underway in the Bank on identification of transactions subject to mandatory control, unusual transactions and collection of additional information on the activities of the Bank's customers for the purpose of establishment of risk categories as well as verification of the identity of beneficiaries.

     OJSC "Agroinvestbank" does not maintain correspondent relations with non-resident banks that do not have a place of business in the countries of their incorporation and takes serious measures aimed at preventing the establishment of correspondent relations with non-resident banks whose accounts are known to be used by banks without usual place of business in the countries of their incorporation.

   Furthermore, we kindly inform you that OJSC "Agroinvestbank" is a program participant of FATCA having the “Reporting FI under a Model 2 IGA” (FI Type: “Single”) status and with assigned GIN: 6W3KLT.99999.SL.762 dd. 30 of June of 2014 year.


The contact information of OJSC "Agroinvestbank" employees responsible for organization of works and procedures for countering the legalization (laundering) of incomes obtained through criminal means and financing of terrorism:

1.     Arabov Zafarjon Umarjonovich – Head of Compliance Service, phone: (+992 44) 600-53-59, mob: (+992 88) 808-81-31, E-mail:;

2.  Karimov Mansur Tolibovich – Chief specialist of the Compliance Service, phone: (+992 44) 600-53-59, mob: (+992 98) 848-18-09, E-mail:;


The contact information of OJSC "Agroinvestbank" employees responsible for organization of works on FATCA program:

1.     Rajabov Sabzaali Usmonalievich -   head of treasury, trade and Settlement Department, phone: (+992 37) 236-86-68, mob: (+992) 907-77-33-41, Email:;

2.     Sattorov Faridun Ahrorovich – Head of interbank settlements division, phone: (+992 37) 236-51-70, E-mail:;

3.     Akramov Ulugbek Ismatovich - Head of Settlement and Remittance Coordination, phone: (+992 37) 236-51-70,



  Sincerely yours,

  Chairman of the Bank                                                   M. Alimardon        

Branches of the Bank


33 Branches